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Student Recruitment  学部生・大学院生募集中

We are recruiting energetic and motivated undergraduate/graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from various disciplines, including but not limited to biology, medicine, pharmacology and biomedical engineering. Our laboratory belongs to the University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences (Master’s Program in Medical Sciences4-year doctoral program in Medical Sciences), Ph.D. Program in Human Biology (HBP), and Ph.D. Program in Humaics. Please refer to the following sites for the admission policy and information.  We also accept summer interns.

当研究室では、生物学、医学、薬理学、生体医工学などの様々な分野から、エネルギッシュでやる気のある学部生・大学院生・ポスドクを募集しています。当研究室は、筑波大学大学院 人間総合科学学術院 医学学位系プログラム フロンティア医科学 学位プログラム(修士)医学学位プログラム(博士)一貫制博士課程ヒューマンバイオロジー学位プログラム(HBP)一貫制博士課程ヒューマニクス学位プログラムに所属しています。

アドミッションポリシーや情報については、以下のサイトを参照してください。  また、夏季インターンの受け入れも行っています。

University of Tsukuba
University of Tsukuba – Graduate Admissions

Undergraduate Students
School of Medicine and Medical Science


Master's Program
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
Degree Program in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Medical Sciences

Special selections of international applicants and Japanese national living abroad



Doctor’s Program
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
Degree Program in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Medical Sciences

Special selections of international applicants and Japanese national living abroad


Ph.D. Program in Human Biology
Website EN :

Website JP :

Ph.D. program in Humanics

The University of Tsukuba launches a new program, “Ph.D. program in Humanics,” in April 2019. “Humanics” is a discipline that sheds light on the fundamental principles of physiology and pathology of the human, generating new science and technology to achieve a healthy and comfortable life of human beings in the society. The Ph.D. Program in Humanics cultivates leaders with doctoral-level knowledge and skills in the fields of both biomedical sciences and physical sciences/engineering/informatics, as well as the capacity to integrate two or more research fields and to apply them in human society. Please find the details at the official web pages below.


Website EN : Ph.D. Program in Humanics, University of Tsukuba

Website JP : Ph.D. Program in Humanics, University of Tsukuba
facebook: Ph.D. Program in Humanics on Facebook

MEXT scholarship through Japanese embassies or consulates general recommendation

Students can submit the scholarship application through Japanese embassies or consulate general in their home countries. When students pass the preliminary examination and would like to conduct research in our laboratory, either for a Master thesis or Doctorate thesis, please contact us using the contact form or email to

More information about Japanese Government Scholarship can be found at

Summer Research ProgramSummer Research Program:

The campus view and message song of University of Tsukuba


Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics
Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)
University of Tsukuba


Our lab is located on the 2nd floor of TARA Center Bldg. B.

1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba
Ibaraki, 305-8577, Japan
TEL/FAX +81-29-853-7323/7322


〒305-8577 茨城県つくば市天王台1丁目1番1



TEL/FAX  029-853-7323/7322

TARA Center
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TARA Center, University of Tsukuba | All Rights Reserved

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