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New photos uploaded

執筆者の写真: hkytarahkytara

Some of the lab members played softball and soft volleyball on the Sports Days of the University of Tsukuba, which were May 12 and 13. They won the soft volleyball tournament for the stuff and graduate students category. The photos from the event have been uploaded to the photo page.




Our new member

We have new member, Eri, junior in Medical Sciences, joined our lab in last November. Welcome Eri! We updated “Lab Members” page.

A new paper has been published

Our lab member, Ryutaro’s paper can be read on the website.  Please find the link below for the paper. R. Ishii, H. Yanagisawa*, A....



Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics
Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)
University of Tsukuba


Our lab is located on the 2nd floor of TARA Center Bldg. B.

1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba
Ibaraki, 305-8577, Japan
TEL/FAX +81-29-853-7323/7322


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TARA Center, University of Tsukuba | All Rights Reserved

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