Research Staff
Dr. Yanagisawa received her MD from the School of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Japan in 1986 and her Ph.D. in 1993. After completing a residency in Internal Medicine, she moved to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and worked in the laboratories of Dr. Robert Hammer and Dr. Eric Olson. In 2003, she was appointed as Assistant Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2011. In 2014, she was appointed as Professor of the TARA Center, University of Tsukuba and relocated Dallas Lab to Tsukuba Science City in September of 2015.
Her research focuses on the interaction between cells and extracellular environments, which is a dynamic process that takes place in a temporospatial fashion. She has been particularly interested in the extracellular matrix, a major component of extracellular environments, in blood vessels, skin, kidneys, and reproductive organs. Currently, she is investigating the molecular mechanisms regarding how cells respond to alterations in the extracellular environment, including aging and disease conditions; she is supported by two group leaders with expertise in vascular biology and skin stem cell biology. She also collaborates with research groups working on label-free imaging techniques, bioengineering and glycotechnology.
She has been involved in the women faculty networking, promotion of diversity and woman leadership as well as development of the research community to facilitate intra-campus and external collaborations. She currently serves as a mentor faculty member in the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Majors of Medical Sciences, Ph.D. Program in Human Biology, and Ph.D. Program in Humanics. Based on her own experience as a trainee and PI in the U.S. research institution for more than 20 years, she runs her laboratory to train the independent researcher with 4Cs (Challenging, Creative, Consistent, and Collegial). He/she will be the one who can find the most exciting question and come up with a strategy to find the answer.
筑波大学医学専門学群を卒業後、内科系レジデントを経て筑波大学大学院にて博士号取得。1991年-1997年までテキサス大学サウスウエスタン医学センター生化学科 Robert Hammer 研究室にてポスドク、1998年-2003年まで同大学分子生物学科 Eric Olson 研究室にてポスドク・インストラクター、2003年9月より同学科Assistant Professor に着任、研究室をスタートさせる。2011年9月から同 Associate Professor (終身在職権) に昇進、2014年9月から筑波大学TARAセンター教授を兼任。2015年9月に研究室をテキサスからつくばに移転し、TARAセンター専任となる。
「生命の生存戦略としての細胞と細胞外環境との相互作用」を大きなテーマとして、血管・腎臓・皮膚・生殖器における細胞外マトリクス(extracellular matrix)の同定と解析を行ってきた。つくばでは、若手グループリーダーたちと、血管細胞や組織幹細胞に着目し、老化や疾患を含む細胞外環境の変化に応答する細胞の分子機構を研究している。従来の細胞生物学的・生化学的・遺伝子工学的手法に加え、ラベルフリーイメージングやバイオメカ二クス、バイオマテリアル、糖鎖工学などの分野との共同研究も行っている。
テキサス大学から継続して、 Women Faculty Networking や研究者間の相互のサポートに力を注いでいる。米国でトレーニングを受けPIとしてラボを運営してきた20年以上の経験から、
4つのC(Challenging, Creative, Consistent, and Collegial)を備えた独立した研究者を育てることを心がけている。 最もエキサイティングな問いを見つけ、それに対する答えを自らの力で探し出すプロセスを経験してもらいたい。
学類学生、セメスターや長期休暇で研究にトライしたい方 、大学院生、ポスドクフェロー、いつでも気軽にご連絡ください。

Chang Liu
4th year student in Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences
Hello, everyone!
I'm a 28-year-old graduate school student and majoring in cardiovescular surgery.
Communicating with patients and help them solve problems in health really makes me feel good.
Let's enjoying the time explosuring in unknown area!

ASM Sakhawat Hossain
4th year student in Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences
I am a graduate in Pharmacy from University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. I am inquisitive about research and innovation. I wish I could contribute to the scientific world.
Besides, playing outdoor games like cricket or football and watching movies and traveling are my hobbies. I would like to meet people of different cultures and regions. In my eyes Bangladesh is one of the beautiful places to visit and I love my country much.

Maria Thea Rane D. Clarin
4th year student in Doctoral Program in Humanics
I am from the Philippines, and I am happy to dive into different experiences and learning along the way.
I find it meaningful to work in the research field and having the opportunity to do so is something I am grateful for.
I would like to continuously follow the path where curiosity leads me with the guidance of my mentors and the people around me.

Md Al Amin Sheikh
4th year student in Doctoral Program in Humanics
I am from Bangladesh. I was completed B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2017 and M.Sc. in Engineering from Taylor’s University, Selangor, Malaysia in 2021. I like to contribute myself in a challenging research environment, where I can utilize my knowledge, skill, and sincerity. Playing cricket and badminton are my favorite hobbies and I also like to travel and meet with people in different cultures.

Li Kai
3rd year student in Doctoral Program in Humanics

Zou Chenlu
2nd year student in Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences

Nao Hosomi
細見 奈生
1st year student in Doctoral Program in Human Biology

1st year student in Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences

Research Student
Tomoko Machida
町田 朋子
Nanami Imamura
今村 七海
3rd year student in School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Zachary James Yoshioka
3rd year student in School of Medicine and Health Sciences
私の名前は吉岡ザックで(Yoshioka Zak)、医療科学を学んでいる学生です。

Administrative Staff
Mami Ho
ホー 真美
Tomomi Zama
座間 智美